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Privacy Policy - STRATAZON

Privacy Policy – Stratazon LLP
Effective date:
1st of February, 2020
Stratazon LLP (
collects and uses personal data asneeded in order for us to provide you with top-notch websites,products, services, and support (collectively, our “Services”). Yourpersonal data includes information such as:
Phone number
Email address
Other data that could directly or indirectly identify you
Our Privacy Policy will explain to you what data we collect, and howwe use your personal data. It also describes how you can access,update, or otherwise take control of the personal data that we havecollected from you.
What data is collected?
Most of your personal data is collected from you when:1.
You sign up for our services;2.
You request assistance from our customer support team;3.
Your complete surveys, subscribe to newsletters, or request otherinformation from us;4.
You participate in contests or participate in activities where we mayrequire information about you.
In order to deliver the best Services to you, we may collect thefollowing information:
Account related information
is collected when you sign up for ourServices. Passwords. This information may include your name, address,phone number, email address, credit card / Bank details information,billing address etc.

Service Usage Data
is automatically collected when you interact withour Services. This information may include data about yourinteractions with the features, content and links contained in ourServices, time of interaction, browser type and confi guration,operating system used, IP address, language preferences, and othercookie data. While none of this data will allow us to directly identifywho you are, some of this data can be used to approximate yourlocation.
Supplementary Data
may be received about you from third partysources, such as public databases. We may combine this data with theinformation we already have about you in order to maintain accuracyof our records, and provide products and services that you may beinterested in.
How we use data
We believe in minimizing the data we collect. We will only use yourdata when we have been given permission to do so, when it is neededto deliver the Services that you have purchased, or for legalcompliance or other lawful purposes. These usages include:
Delivering, updating, and improving the Services that we provide toyou.
We collect various data relating to your purchase, use, andinteractions with our Services. We use this data to:
Improve and optimize the performance of our Services.
Identify and investigate security risks, errors, problems, and neededenhancements to our Services.
Detect and prevent fraud and abuse of our Services.
Collect statistics about the use of our Services.
Analyse how you use our Services and which of our Services aremost relevant to you.
Most of the data that we collect is statistical data about how peopleuse our Services and is not linked to any personal data.
Sharing with trusted third parties.
We may share your personal data with affi liated companies within ourcorporate family and with trusted third-party service providers in orderfor them to perform certain tasks on our behalf. This may include:

Processing credit card payments.
Delivering content and communications to you (such as email).
Analysing Service usage and customer demographics.
Serving advertisements.
Conducting surveys or contests.
Managing customer relationships
We only share what is needed for the third party to perform the taskson our behalf. These third parties are prohibited from using, sharing,or keeping your personal data for any other purpose, and are bound tostrict data processing terms and conditions.
Communicating with you
We may contact you directly or through a third-party service providerregarding the Services that you have purchased or subscribed to. Wemay also contact you with offers for additional services if you give usconsent, or when it is allowed based on legitimate interests. Themethods of contact may include:
Phone calls
Text messages
You may update your newsletter subscription preferences bycontacting us as described in the “Contact Us” section below.
Website analytics
We use various third-party web analytics tools such as GoogleAnalytics to collect information on how you interact with our website.This data may include information on which pages you visit, howmuch time you spend on each page, which operating system andbrowser you use, and geographic location information. These tools willplace cookies in your browser for this purpose which can only be usedby the service provider. The data collected may be transmitted to andstored by these service providers in a country other than where youreside. This information does not include personal data such asnames, address, email addresses, etc, and will be stored and used in
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accordance with their own privacy policies. You can control thetechnologies that we use through our Cookie Policy.
Targeted Advertisements
Our third-party partners may use technologies such as cookies togather information regarding your activities on our web pages andother websites in order to provide you with advertising based on yourinterests, and to measure the effectiveness of the advertisements.
Compliance with legal, regulatory, and law enforcement requests
We cooperate with law enforcement and government offi cials andprivate parties to comply with the law. We will, in our sole discretion,disclose any information about you to such parties as necessary torespond to claims and legal processes, to protect our property andrights or the property and rights of a third party, to protect the safetyof the public or an individual, or to prevent or stop illegal or unethicalactivity.
We may also disclose data about you to our auditors and legal advisorsin order to assess our disclosure obligations and rights under thisPrivacy Policy.
If we are legally permitted to do so, we will take reasonable steps tonotify you in the event we are required to provide your information tothird parties as part of a legal process.
During a Change in Control
If WE undergo a business transaction like a merger, acquisition,corporate divestiture, or dissolution (including bankruptcy), or a sale ofall or some of its assets, we may share, disclose, or transfer all of yourdata to the successor organization during such transition or incontemplation of a transition (including during due diligence).
After Aggregation/De-identifi cation
we can disclose or use aggregate or de-identifi ed data for anypurpose.
How we secure and retain data

We follow generally accepted standards to collect, store and protectpersonal data, including the use of encryption. We retain personaldata for as long as it is needed to provide the Services you haverequested, and thereafter for legal and business purposes. These mayinclude retention periods:
Mandated by legal, contractual, or similar obligations;
For resolving, preserving, enforcing or defending our legal andcontractual rights
Needed to maintain adequate and accurate business and fi nancialrecords
How you can access, update, or delete your data
You can access, view and update your personal data by signing intoyour account and visiting “My Account”. If you are unable to access“My Account” for any reason, you may contact us as described in the“Contact Us” section below.
If you make a request to delete your personal data, that request will behonoured only to the extent where the data is no longer needed forthe Services you have purchased, or when it is no longer required forour business, legal or contractual record keeping requirements.
Age restrictions/Our Policy Concerning Children
Our Services are only available for purchase for those who are over theage of 18. Our Services are not designed to target, entice, or consumedby individuals under the age of 18. If you know of or have reason tobelieve someone under the age of 18 has provided us with anypersonal data, please contact us/mail us at
Changes to our Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Pleasereview this document from time to time so that you are aware of whatinformation we collect and how we use it.
Your Choices About the Use of Your Data
You can choose not to provide certain data to us, but you may not beable to use certain features of the Services.

To stop receiving promotional communications from us, you can optout by using the unsubscribe mechanism in the promotionalcommunication you receive or by changing the email preferences inyour account. Note that regardless of your email preference settings,we will send you transactional and relationship messages regardingthe Services, including administrative confi rmations, orderconfi rmations, important updates about the Services, and noticesabout our policies.
Contact us
From time to time, we may update this Privacy Policy. If we do, we’llnotify you by posting the policy on our site with a new effective date. Ifwe make any changes, we’ll notify.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy,you may Email us by:
Phone: 6360106039
We will respond to all requests at the earliest.

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